Help Us Select The 2024 Top 10 Customer Service Stories
Every year, Belding Training collects stories about awesome customer service to share with our clients and to use in our customer service training programs. Last week we shared five stories for your opinion how they should rank. Here are the last 5. Next week, we will be pulling everyone’s thoughts together for the final result. Thanks for your help!
Rank these 5 stories!
Below are the last five stories to rank. Please rank them from 1-5 (1 is the best!)
GROUP 2: Rank Each Story from 1 (best) to 5
A: Con Ed Detective
When Ted lost his wallet in a Manhattan restaurant, he was fortunate that it was found by Con Edison mechanic, John Marsch. The hoops that Marsch jumped through to actually find out how to get the wallet back to Ted are unbelievable!
B: KFC Employee Does It All
When customers say things like, “whatever you’re earning, it ain’t enough,” you know you’re doing something right. That’s what customers say about Lynn, an employee of Cheshire Oaks KFC. She does everything – including dumpster-diving to find a customer’s phone.
C: Asda Home Delivery
Imagine losing your purse in a grocery store. You’d be delighted to know it had been found. Thrilled that someone had taken the time to call you and let you know it had been found. In the Beverly, U.K. Asda store, however, Stephen took the next step and hopped in his car and drove to her house to return it. There’s something you’ll never see A.I. do!
D: Holiday Inn Plush Vacation
When you’re four years old, and your favourite stuffy goes missing, it’s a catastrophe. Employees of this Virginia Holiday Inn Express understood this and went out of their way to make one little boy happy again.
E: Trader Joe's Employee - and a Pie
Tara, a New Jersey Trader Joes. employee, gave a customer a pie – then got one in return!