Training for Customer Service , Leadership & Workplace Culture
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Training for Customer Service , Leadership & Workplace Culture
in Canada | USA | Asia | Europe
After the first full year of implementing a comprehensive customer service training and development initiative, this wireless retailer experienced improvement in the consistency of sales and service, and dramatic business results.
Dowload the Customer Service and Relentless Support Case Study
In 2008, the global banking industry was crippled by recession, marked by the failure of over 100 financial institutions in the US alone. This case study examines how a Credit Union used Customer Experience to not just survive, but flourish, during that time. .
Marketing a Shopping Center is a challenge. Traffic levels are traditionally dependent on the location of a center and the selection of its retailers. It’s hard to find a way to stand out in consumer’s minds. But when new, aggressive competition is on the brink of becoming a reality, it is critical that a center find a competitive difference that will keep their consumers coming back.
This Case Study examines how one Shopping Center leveraged enhanced Customer Service retain their share of market and their customers’ loyalty.
This 2024 customer service case study examines how a common practice among auto insurers can have a negative effect. Using Belding’s simple Cost of a Lost Customer Calculator, you can see the incredible short- and long-term increase that can be found by abandoning the practice.
The Science of WOW! Customer Service is a groundbreaking study on the elements that create viral customer service experiences. The research was conducted over three years in seven North American and Asian/South Pacific countries, and released in 2016.
The results help provide clear direction for organizations that are looking to create customer service experiences that people talk about.
Free access to The Science of WOW Research
Science of WOW! Customer Service research points to three core directions for organizations, and three critical attributes for employees. This whitepaper examines these, and the 20 strategies for achieving WOW! customer experiences in any organization.
Free access to How to Apply the Science of WOW
This White Paper on “Stickiness” is a look at the ten key elements that must come together to ensure that your customer service and leadership training creates real change in your organization. This is a must-have guide for people who design and deliver training for their organizations.
Download stickiness
What are the most common mistakes people in customer service make? The Belding Group asked members of their LinkedIn Customer Service Champions group what they thought. The tremendous response by over 200 customer service professionals fell into 24 categories.