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Outstanding Customer Service

The Outstanding Customer Service Blog

Your ultimate guide to Outstanding Customer Experience

Some People Should be Kept Very Far From Customers

poor customer service povidersThere are some people who should be kept very far from customers.  We’ve all met them. 

Customer service isn’t a department or a job, it’s an attitude. It requires the willingness and the courage to put the needs of others first.  People who are self-absorbed, narcissistic and either oblivious or uncaring about the people around them don’t last very long in a customer service environment.  (They don’t succeed in very many environments, in fact – but that’s a discussion for a different time).

Check Out Twitter

If you want to get an idea of the type of people who should never have been hired for a customer service job, just check out Twitter. Here are a few recent tweets from people who are really in the wrong occupation:

  • “I hate Customers, and I hate giving Customer service
  • “Arguing with an idiot is one of the most frustrating things ever. -Like our customers”
  • “Iwanna f***ing roundhouse kick everyone of these customers in the f***g head. Especially the old ass one”
  • “I Need To Think Of Some Good Lies To Tell My Customers Over The Phone”
  • “I can’t figure out who I hate dealing with more, customers or vendors”
  • “I hope my customers know how little I care…”
  • “I’d rather be at the beach right now 🙂 ! I hate customers lol #workingsucks
  • “I really hate customers at work. Like why must you try and ruin my day!!!”
  • “Working in customer service has made me realize something about myself… I HATE “CUSTOMERS!!!


This begs three questions:

  1. Why do people who hate customers go into customer service jobs?
  2. Why do they stay there?
  3. Who is hiring these people for customer service jobs?
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Internal Customer Service Training

Internal customer service training

Outstanding Training Courses that will:


  • Employee engagement, enjoyment and retention
  • Collaboration, team alignment, workflow and efficiency


  • Communication errors
  • Workplace stress
  • Workplace conflict
  • Employee turnover

Learn more about Belding Training’s globally-acclaimed Internal Customer Service training