Scolding Customers Is Never a Good Strategy
Quick story: A few years ago, due to an unforeseen turn of events, we found ourselves having to find new office space fast. We had a month to research, investigate, sign leases, arrange for movers, then internet and telephone service in our new location. Yikes!
We finally had a deal done for our new premises, and were able to begin arranging the internet and telephone switch.
We had a choice
We contacted two local cloud PBX providers. One was cheerful, helpful and promised to do everything in their power to make the transition as easy as possible. The other company took quite a different approach. The salesperson seemed far more intent on making sure I understood her policies and rules than she was in solving our dilemma. In the end, we had to make the decision pretty quick. In truth, they probably offered a better overall solution, but I went with my gut – not them.
The next morning I spoke with the salesperson and told her of our decision. She then proceeded to go on a rant about how ‘disappointed’ she was in us. She had broken her own policy, she told me, of not sending quotes over via email, and we ‘didn’t even give them the chance.’ For four minutes she scolded me for being a poor customer, an unethical businessperson, etc.
There is never a payoff to scolding customers
We all run into situations where our clients and potential clients will choose a competitive company. They always have their reasons – and whether or not we agree with them, we need to respect them. There is never, ever a payoff in scolding customers, or trying to make them feel bad.
In our case, we’ve stayed with the same company now for ten years. The salesperson’s rant might have made her feel good for a few minutes, but how much did it cost her company?